Please note that the following information is general in nature and should not be regarded as Veterinary Advice. Please contact us if you have any concerns. 

Routine consults unlikely to have an impact on welfare of patient at present. All vital signs are normal.
 Health check with no concerns
 Prescribe repeat medication
 Routine nail clip, dental check or microchipping
 Routine vaccinations
 Anal gland expression
 Worms found in stool with no other clinical signs
Non-urgent consults that require vet attention but is
safe for the patient to wait 24-48 hours or overnight for the next appointment available
 Skin conditions (redness, itching, discomfort but not actively bleeding)
 Vomiting and/or diarrhoea with no change to mentation
 Not eating or drinking for less than 24-48 hours.
 Coughing with no other symptoms
 Quality of life consultations
 Ophthalmic exams
 Owner running out of medications known to be essential to the pet’s welfare e.g. insulin, corticosteroids, and anti-epilepsy drugs
 New moderate lameness
 New lumps and bumps that do not resemble hives
 Fractured tooth that is not causing any discomfort to the patient
No immediate risk to life but requires same day attention (can wait until the following morning if pet stable) as the animal’s condition at present impacts their welfare.
 Lethargy
 Eye conditions causing discharge, redness or squinting with no signs of bulging, bleeding, swelling or injury.
 Bloody diarrhoea
 Not eating or drinking for more than 24-48 hours.
 Gastrointestinal upset (vomiting and diarrhoea) with change to mentation
 Minor wound that is not actively bleeding but requires treatment
 Pruritus (itchy skin) leading to significant skin trauma
 Euthanasia
Not in imminent danger but warrants immediate attention. CAN become life threatening.
 Chocolate ingestion
 Pale gums
 Straining to urinate (male cats)
 Profuse vomiting
 Purulent vaginal discharge
 Ocular injury
 Acute (sudden) jaundice
 Swollen or distended abdomen
 Signs of pain
 Non-life-threatening haemorrhage
 Deterioration in condition of pet with known condition/disease
Significant risk to life or clear risk to welfare if not seen. Immediate attention required.
 Difficulty breathing
 Collapse or loss of consciousness
 Active bleeding (bleeding that does not stop)
 Shock
 Major trauma i.e. obvious fracture, open wound, insides are outside, HBC
 Seizuring
 Dystocia (difficult birth)
 Ingestion of material likely to cause gastrointestinal obstruction
 Ingestion of known toxin (except chocolate – see below).

After-Hours Emergency Services

Maraboon Vet Surgery is proud to offer an afterhours service to help your pets for emergencies SEVEN DAYS A
WEEK! Our experienced team are dedicated to helping your pets in any emergency and understand your pets are part of your family, we provide our clients with peace of mind, experienced veterinarian and vet nurses and a fully equipped hospital for our patients.

Please note that afterhours fees will apply and all fees are payable at the time of treatment.

Pet Emergencies

Accidents can happen any time of the day or night, whether at home, at the dam or even on a walk.
It’s important to understand what a pet emergency is so you can determine whether your pet should be brought
straight into the clinic or if it’s something that can potentially wait until the morning. While some pet emergencies
are easily recognisable, there may be times when you aren’t sure if you should bring your pet into the vet clinic.
Please refer to the below table for some common pet emergencies that we treat in our clinic.

Snake Bites If your pet has been bitten by a snake or has been seen near a snake, bring them into the clinic so we can confirm with a blood test. Even If they collapse and seemingly recover, this is a sign urgent treatment is needed.
Difficulty Breathing

Has your pet stopped breathing, having trouble breathing or their breathing sounds strange? We recommend calling the vet clinic as soon as possible.

Swollen or Distended Abdomen A swollen or distended abdomen can be a sign of GDV (Gastric Dilation and Volvulus) when the stomach twists and bloats. This is an emergency requiring immediate veterinary attention.
Major Trauma  If your pet has had any major trauma such as hit by car, fallen from height, dog attack, obvious bone fracture or kicked by cow, you should call the vet clinic immediately.
Blood Loss

Active bleeding that does not stop by itself should be seen by a vet to avoid excessive blood loss.

Penetrating Wounds Any penetrating wounds such as bite or stab wounds, can cause significant internal damage even if a wound looks minor on the surface. It is recommended to call the vet clinic to see if urgent attention is required.
Dystocia (Difficult Birth) If your dog is in labour and shows any signs of difficult birth including straining, lethargy or weakness and it’s been more than 2 hours without delivering a puppy, it’s been longer than 5 hours between delivering pups, the bitch has bloody discharge or there is green or black discharge for several hours without delivering a pup please call the clinic!
Cane Toad Poisoning If you see your pet lick or play with a cane toad, it’s recommended to use a wet washer to wipe out your pet’s mouth (including tongue, teeth, and gums) to remove any toxin. Do not use a hose as this can cause aspiration. If your pet is showing any abnormal signs (bright red gums, seizures, weakness, muscle tremors, difficulty breathing) please call the vet clinic immediately.
Seizures If your pet is having a seizure lasting more than 2-3 minutes, or more than 2-3 seizures in a 24-hour period, it is recommended to call the vet clinic to see if urgent attention is required.
Evidence of Poisoning

If you see your pet eat a toxin, medication or poison, it is recommended to call the vet clinic immediately for advice.

Tick Paralysis

If you have recently been to any coastal areas and your pet is showing signs of tick paralysis (weakness, not able to walk on back legs, difficulty breathing), please call the vet clinic immediately. If you find a tick, you are able to remove the tick at home with tweezers or a tick twister and monitor your pet at home for any abnormal signs.

Collapse or Weakness

Collapse can be caused by a number of conditions including heart failure, tick paralysis, internal bleeding and snake bites. If your pet has collapsed, please call the vet clinic immediately.

Struggling to Urinate

Male cats are susceptible to urinary obstructions which are life-threatening! If your male cat is straining to urinate or if blood is observed in their urine, please call the vet clinic immediately.

Vomiting & Diarrhoea

If your pet has been producing large volumes and frequent episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhoea, it is recommended to call the vet clinic for advice.

If you suspect your pet is injured or experiencing any of the above conditions or you are concerned about your pet’s health, please call our vet clinic. Our friendly staff are here to guide you as to whether your pet needs to see a vet as well as provide first aid advice over the phone. Without treatment, some of these conditions can progress and your pet can deteriorate quickly, becoming a life threatening situation.

Remember, nobody knows your pets like you do!