Heartworm in Dogs

Posted By Dr Angela Sutherland  
00:00 AM

The rain has finally come and everyone is so grateful! Unfortunately the wonderful rain has brought an onslaught of Mosquito’s which means Heartworm.

Heartworm is a deadly round worm parasite that lives in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of dogs, they can grow to be up to 30cm long and there can be hundreds of worms in one dog. The baby heartworm (Microfilaria) travel through the blood stream while they are maturing and end up in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of the dog were they proceed to cause irreversible damage. When a mosquito bites an infected dog they intake microfilaria which they then transfer to the next dog they bite. Were they enter the blood stream where they mature and make their way into the new dogs heart and lungs.

Unfortunately once a dog starts showing symptoms of having Heartworm; coughing, becoming lethargic, loss of appetite, difficulties breathing, it is too late, the damage is done and often permanent. This is why our focus for heartworm focuses around prevention rather than treatment.  Luckily there is a test and a long term preventative option that pet owners can commence for their dogs. If they have not been on any prevention before they will require a blood test which is run in house and takes about 10 minutes, if this test comes back negative then we can proceed to administer the once yearly preventative injection for your dog. There are also monthly tablets that are available but they are required to be given strictly every four weeks. Dogs will then need a 2nd test six months later to ensure they are 100% heartworm free (as the test only detects adult heartworms and it takes six months for the juvenile heartworm to mature into adults).

If your dog tests positive for Heartworm, treatment is available. However it is a very lengthy, painful and expensive treatment for your dog and yourself. The best option is to prevent them from getting heartworm.

If you have any questions about heartworm or would like to check if your dog is on any heartworm prevention, then give our friendly team a call on 07 4987 6800.