A well Groomed pet is a healthy Pet

Posted By Dr Angela Sutherland  
00:00 AM

The Maraboon Pet Resort is Emerald’s only premium grooming studio for the ultimate salon experience. Our IPG qualified groomers are internationally certified so you’ll have peace of mind knowing all staff have had the correct training in hygiene, health, behavioural care and practise safe grooming techniques. There are many different benefits of having your pet groomed, some of these can include:

No overgrown Hair!

Keeping hair cut short around the eyes can help prevent vision restrictions and this also prevents a build-up of gunk in the corners of the eyes which can lead to painful skin infections. Keeping hair short around the bottom of the pads helps dogs grip when walking on smooth surfaces (such as tiles) and prevents slipping accidents, which can cause serious injury. Too much excess hair around the private areas can cause a build up from toileting and damage skin.

Manicured nails are healthy nails!

Untrimmed nails can cause irreversible damage to the structure of a pet’s feet if they grow too long. They can also get caught and ripped, causing pain and discomfort until the nail grows back. The nails can also curl over and grow slowly into the foot if they aren’t trimmed regularly.

Prevent Matting!

Matting is a serious condition for pets. It can restrict blood flow to the skin and can become painful as the Matts slowly tighten and start to rip the hair out of the skin. Matting is very painful which usually means they have to have their coat clipped short and leaves their skin exposed to the elements.

A healthy Coat encourages normal bodily function!

Double coated dogs require just as much brushing if not more than single coated dogs. A dead undercoat does not fall out easily and needs to be brushed out. An unhealthy coat full of dead hair prevents the dog from being able to maintain its own body temperature. This often leads to heat stress and sometimes veterinary intervention is required. Regular brushing and grooming ensures that the coat can breath and function as intended, to help keep them both warm and cool as the season change.

Let us help educate you!

With the increasing popularity of cross bred dogs and an influx of information on the internet, it is often difficult to know what to do and how to care for your pet’s coat. Maraboon Pet Resort groomers will work with you to ensure your pet meets its grooming requirements. Call the resort today and let us help!